H+H Software GmbH

HAN in Libraries

The use of HAN as a management system in libraries.

How can HAN be integrated into library systems?

HAN fits seamlessly into the existing infrastructure of your library. With its open web interface (HAN Web API), it can be seamlessly integrated into existing structures. This applies in particular to the OPAC catalogue system or LinkOut services (forwarding to full texts from an article).

If none of these options are offered by the library, end users can access the online resources via the A-Z list integrated in HAN. In addition, registered users can use the search function of the EZB in Regensburg. Here too, the searches are then routed via HAN so that the full texts can be accessed from anywhere (external access).

If a discovery service (e.g. EBSCO EDS, ExLibris ALMA or PRIMO, Summon or VuFind) is in use, this can also be integrated via the HAN Web API.

In this case, HAN also combines the advantages of the Discovery Service with the enhanced functions of HAN to make it easier for end users to access the full text.