H+H Software GmbH

Get in touch with H+H Software GmbH

Do you have questions about HAN? Simply contact the sales representative responsible for you.

Portrait A.Z. Szarejko

A.Z. Szarejko

Sales management Poland

Phone: +49 551 52208 0

Mobile: +49 151 65864041

Fax: +49 551 52208 25

Portrait Pierre Koch

Pierre Koch

Sales management D-A-CH (Germany, Austria, Switzerland)

Phone: +49 551 52208 0

Mobile: +49 151 67449384

Fax: +49 551 52208 25

Where to find us

Maschmühlenweg 8-10
37073 Göttingen

Telefon: +49 551 52208-0
Telefax: +49 551 52208-25

E-Mail: hh@hh-software.com


Central Station Göttingen — Firma H+H Software GmbH

The map image will take you to Google Maps, where you can get a closer look at the location of the company.

Map section Company location

You have suggestions for improvement, criticism or praise?

The address hh@hh-software.com is the right choice.

Press information

E-Mail: marketing@hh-software.com