H+H Software GmbH

Imprint H+H Software GmbH

The imprint of the company H+H Software GmbH on the Hidden Automatic Navigator product website.

According to §5 DDG

H+H Software GmbH
Maschmühlenweg 8-10
37073 Göttingen

Managing Directors

Michael Etscheid
Dr. Klaus Romanek


Phone: +49 551 52 20 8-0

Fax: +49 551 52 20 8-25

E-Mail: hh@hh-software.com

Entry in the commercial register

Commercial Register: District Court Goettingen
Registration Number: HRB 1878

Tax ID

Tax ID according to §27a Sales Tax Act:

Do you have suggestions for improvements, criticism or praise?

The address hh@hh-software.com is the right choice.