H+H Software GmbH

Services around HAN

A wide range of HAN-related services provides real added value.

H+H Software GmbH as a reliable partner for IT projects

Making access to e-journals and online databases easier than ever for both the user and the administrator — H+H Software GmbH develops and supports HAN with this principle in mind.

H+H Software GmbH has been offering its customers efficient solutions in the field of application, license and network management since 1989. In addition to self-developed applications, H+H Software GmbH offers its customers comprehensive consulting, installation and support services for efficient IT.

Our team is characterized by in-depth knowledge with a high level of certification in almost all IT specialist areas. By partnering with leading manufacturers in the IT sector, our employees are involved in the development of future-oriented technologies at an early stage. This means that H+H Software GmbH customers have a competent team at their disposal in the areas of consulting, training, system integration, software development and support.